
Yin Yoga Masterclass serie ‘Your Body, Your YinYoga’

Yin  Yoga is a powerful yoga practice of long held floor poses, that are held softly and in stillness. Deep tissues of the body are released and energy flow in the body is stimulated. Yin yoga is the perfect balance to a busy life and mind.

Yin is not only a healing practice for the body, the moment you learn what variation fits your body you can relax into the pose and experience the mental, energetic and emotional benefits.

If you have been in a Yin class before, you probably know that some poses come easily to you and you experience them as pleasant and other poses evoke resistance, certain emotions or are even impossible  because you feel pain somewhere in your body.

Everybody is unique!

In this series of master classes we will look at the possible cause behind any discomfort on a physical, emotional or energetic level. You will learn about your unique body by working through the different possible alternatives within the 5 Archetypal Yin poses and the use of props. Each master class starts with a lecture on the functional anatomy of the archetype, muscles (Myofascial Groups) and joints (Skeletal Segments) involved. We will make the anatomy clear and practical by doing some tests which will give you insight into your own skeletal variation and possibilities. After the lunchbreak follows a wonderful long guided Yin practice with focus on the poses of the specific archetypes and of course with the necessary variation to make it a balanced and healing practice. You will now explore what variation fits your body so you can relax into the pose and experience the mental, energetic and emotional benefits.

For whom                                                                                                      

The intention of these masterclasses is to enhance and enrich your experience and understanding of the Yin Yoga practice.

-For all students wishing to deepen and to personalize their Yin practice

-For all Students who wonder why you can’t do a certain pose even though you have been practicing for a long time

-Great for students interested in following a Yin Yoga Teacher Training.

The 7 archetypal poses are:

Shoelace, Saddle, Caterpillar, Dragonfly, Twists, Dogs Dragons.       The first 5 are the Yin archetypes, the other 2 are Yang archetypes or within the Yin practice the Upper Body variations.

“There are thousands of yoga poses but the vast majority of them are variations of 7 archetypal poses. Understanding these 7 archetypes is the key to teaching variations, using props an making adjustments”. Paul Grilley.

Archetype: Shoelace & Saddle

Skeletal Segments: Femur, pelvis, lumbar spine, knees, ankles, toes. Myofascial Groups: Glutes, IT band, quads, hip flexors, rectus abdominus.

In this masterclass we focus on the hip anatomy (Internal and external rotation of the Femur) and the effect on the knees. Expect a delightful class that focuses on the glutes and stretching the entire front of the body, chest/heart openers and learn how to adjust the poses so that you don’t get knee strain.

Archetype: Caterpillar, Dragonfly & Twists

Skeletal Segments: Lumbar, thoracic, cervical spine, pelvis, femur. Myofascial Groups: Hamstrings, adductors, thoracolumbar, Obliques, QLT.

In this masterclass we focus on the anatomy of the spine (flextion, extension and twist) and we will have a look at the shoulder girdle. Expect a delightful class that focuses on stretching the entire back of the body, the inside of the legs and with variations for the upper body and twists we will include neck and shoulders and learn more about the capabilities of your spine and how to adjust poses without suffering from lower back or shoulder pain.

Let me know if you’re interested or hire me if you want this workshop in your Yoga school!